To Be, Or Not To Be, Either Way That’s A Lot Of Books – A Poem By Carol J Forrester

There’s a cunning to books I don’t own.
Tricks the eye into slipping
from shelves stacked ‘soon’
where old resolutions stagger
parchment pale and haggard
around uncracked spines.
I play a teasing game,
ply their pages with well-meaning,
find an aged acquaintance,
face new with forgetting.
Thumb their successors guiltily
like a child caught, ear at the door,
and smuggle home each new treasure,
slip it into the seams unseen
and whisper ‘no more, no more’
with every book I’ve ever bought.

Myth of Mirrors would like us to look at our ‘To-Be-Read’ piles and turn them into a short story or poem. There is perhaps a little irony in the mix there as my current ‘To-Be-Read’ pile includes one of D. Wallace Peach’s books. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy any more books until I’ve read all the fiction already crowding my little library, but I just pre-ordered another Sarah J Mass book so I’m not to be trusted. My reading pile is always ridiculously endless, and quite frankly I would not have it any other way. What is better than a house full of book? And different books suit different times of the day/week/year. I will continue cramming as many poetry collections, novels, histories, and mythologies into my possession as possible.

For those of you perhaps looking for a new book to add to your reading lists, ‘It’s All In The Blood’ is available to purchase on kindle, and in paperback. With Covid restrictions beginning to ease in the UK, I might even get chance to read some of the poems at in-person events this year!

A bold, brutally honest and dazzling debut collection that insists on being read.

Deborah Edgeley author of ‘Super 8 Magicscape’, ‘Solitary Child, Friend of Immortals’, ‘ Testing The Delicates’ and ‘Wilkommen Zum Rattenfanger Theater’


  1. This is wonderful, Carol. Aren’t those books sneaky! And so glad that one of my books is in your pile. I’ll reblog on Saturday morning. 🙂 Thanks for playing and Happy Reading!


    1. Thank you, and happy reading to you also! I hope you don’t mind the sneaky bit of self-promo at the end. One of my 2022 goals is to improve on my marketing skills, and hopefully getting to a point where the possibility of someone paying me for my words doesn’t make me break out in hives.


    1. I think my biggest weaknesses are beautifully bound copies and books on history because I can tell myself that they have an educational purpose and if I only read the piecemeal, that’s completely acceptable for the genre.


  2. Oh, how we’d hate it if we DIDN’T have a TBR pile. In fact, when I’m reading a book I make sure I have the next one lined up and waiting. Good promo at the end. We gotta do it. 🙂


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